Jan 13Liked by Tom Hamilton

“ It may well be, as Guido Fawkes claims, that community notes on party political tweets overwhelmingly attack the Tories while letting Labour off the hook”

My God this whining from right wingers does my head in, if the conservatives had to face the political-media environment that Labour just take for granted within 5 minutes they’d be curled up on the floor in the fetal position whimpering

Yet not only do they refuse to acknowledge that they play politics on easy mode but the moment any niche situation reveals itself that even slightly benefits Labour they run around crying about how unfair it is and appealing to a non existent referee

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What’s that saying? When all you have ever known is privilege, equality feels like oppression?

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Jan 13Liked by Tom Hamilton

If he’d said “he doesn’t get the people that he represents”, or “he doesn’t know anything about the lives of his own constituents” he been fine. The ‘Britain’ bit was the screwup there.

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Well put arguments. I’m not sure community notes are less intrinsically right/wrong or biased/unbiased than the forms of moderation and fact checking that Musk has criticised and removed. But they are significantly cheaper for him and a tool with which he can avoid responsibility for what is said on his platform. So the winner isn’t truth or the community as he claims, but him

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