Excellent analysis - and proof perfect that those who can’t even produce a short party video should never be allowed to be in charge of anything

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Very entertaining piece this week. I’ll miss the regular Dividing Lines once the heat of the election is over!

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It's funny that you mention people watching videos with the sound off. I did exactly this, and was thoroughly confused until I read the rest of the article.

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I was one of the " Stalinists." I had the sound on, but was so consumed by the bizarre images, I'd stopped listening to the to it. I was thinking things like," Do they really think they're called the Red Army because they wear red?"

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My first thought was "are they trying for Stalin?", too. Only to hear Marseillaise, not the Soviet anthem, and got very confused.

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It's not the biggest issue with this advert, but if the Conservatives' main attack line is that Labour don't have a plan, is it really a good idea to run an advert showing that they have a very clear plan on what they want to do on employment and work? Seems, like a lot of what they're doing, inherently contradictory.

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I sometimes wonder if Isaac Levido will ever work in this industry again. And just a teeny-tiny part of my brain wonders he's playing a deeply layered, backwards, inside-out game of 4-D chess, and there's a sting in the tail which will turn everything round. Shit posting was part of the Brexit referendum, and I'm wondering how far that strategy is being pushed now?

I won't relax until the morning of the 5th July.

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Yes, Tom, downright wacky. And downright wacky that we have such a backward voting system that it means the tactical voting choice for anti-Reform progressives in Clacton is to vote Tory (now that Labour has stopped campaigning.)


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